Tuesday 19 May 2015

They say Things Happen In Three's!!

Since setting up at Newhaven caravan Big 4, we have been having trouble with the hot water system???  Wayne replaced the release valve but no, the water poured out even more!?  Called a gas plumber and he told us to contact the maker of our hot water system.  Phoned them in Melbourne and were told to go see the caravan shop at Wonthaggi so back we go to be told to go see Reece plumbering.  That is where we bought the replacement release valve the day before, so between Wayne and the guys there we realised that the water pressure on Phillip Island is too high for the hot water system so all we could do was put our old valve back in and only use the water from the water holding tank and not directly from the mains water at the camp.  That sorted, I decided to make a pumpkin soup for dinner along with a bread and butter pudding for desert.   Well, all was going fine until I decided to put the soup through the nutribullet.  Pow,  it exploded everywhere!  Scolding hot soup throughout the kitchen, all over me, and all over the carpet in every direction.  Thankfully, I only burnt my left hand and wrist so got that under cold water while my darling Wayne set about retrieving the soup for dinner and cleaning up the mess.     I had plenty of washing to be done after that so set about getting on with it the next morning after Wayne had set up the washing machine in readiness.   I carried on with some online work while Wayne went out to tinker with the truck - I looked up and saw water flowing down the stairs from the bathroom/bedroom area all over the carpet.   Oh shit!  The hose had flicked out of the sink and fallen onto the floor so that is where the water pumped during the wash cycle.  We are still frantically trying to dry out the carpets.  We have always said to each other - double check everything!!!!  Don't know what happened to the "Double Check" Plan?

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