Saturday, 16 May 2015

Off To Phillip Island

Woke this morning hoping to get A "photo-shot" sunrise over the water before we leave Port Albert but No!  Still cold, bleak and cloudy even though there is a huge high over this area of Victoria!?  Anyway - hitched-up and off we head west.  Port Welshpool has one of the longest piers in Victoria.  What a shame it is in disrepair and awaiting funds to restore.

All these ports are still behind entrances from Bass Strait and islands etc.  Most are still major fishing ports commercially for the areas.  No more so than at San Remo before driving over the bridge to Phillip Island.  By the time we got there, the clouds had dissapeared and hardly a breathe of wind.  Wow. This is better.

The water was like glass as we drive over to Phillip Island!

Found some of the local wild life on the island,  fur seal basking in the sun, cape barren geese(in pairs all over the island - mating season) and these swamp wallabies. 

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