Friday, 8 May 2015

Genoa, Marla and Snowy River

Hitched up and went into Genoa for a stroll over the historical bridge to the free camping area and read how the revegatation of the snowy river-banks took place to stop the river silting and keeping the trees etc growing.  A great help to the ecology of the area.

How about this prehistoric creature kids!!

Off to Marla to see where the Snowy River mouth is, lunch and then look along the snowy river to settle for the night at a free camp.  Ended up with a couple in their caravan and then this van with a couple and their little baby boy.

Mouth of Snowy River with fisherman hopefully getting his dinner!!

Cool and crisp tonight with a delightful sunset

This novel campervan was covered in artificial grass with flowers along the siders and eyelashes around the headlights.

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