Tuesday, 2 August 2016


Venturing out again to look around town we discovered that there wasn't much open due to Race Day Holiday soo........ we walked the few blocks and read of the history that formed this huge port for BHP, Rio Tinto and many other mineral companies to export their commodities overseas.

Today I counted seventeen ships waiting offshore to come and be loaded.  We stood and watched the pilot boats coming and going as well as a helicopter flying in and out to the off-shore ships.

This ship is fully loaded by the look of it.

This ship is emptying the water from its ballast in readiness for loading

We stopped and strolled through The Don Rhodes Mining Museum Park and read of the pioneers of the area developing roads, towns etc to get Port Hedland to what it is today.

We love to finish the day having drinks watching the sun set and all the lights coming on in the distance and realise that the port works 24/7.

Tomorrow we head inland to see more of this mighty Pilbra region as far as Newman and Karijini National Park before travelling on through to Tom Price.

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