Sunday, 31 July 2016


Parked amongst the trees on the lower level At De Grey river Rest Area
 Saturday afternoon we spent strolling along the dusty pathways the cattle have made beside the river that has all but dried-up with only a couple of deeper pools.  A few fellow travellers strolled off with their fishing lines in a hope of catching something!!  Saw posted on wiki camps that last week dead sharks were in the pools.

Heading into Port Hedland one cannot help but notice the Rio Tinto Minerals "Salt mining flats"

After setting up camp at Cooke Point Park we decided to take a Sunday drive exploring the town!!
Saw one of the huge ships coming into the port as we drove around the waterfront so decided to drive down onto the "Spoilbank Road", where one can get a closer look at the ships coming in!!!@!!!
The only trouble is......... most of the point is for 4WD's only and our F truck is NOT a 4WD.

After trying to get out five time we finally let down the tyres and dug the 6x2's timbers behind the back tyres we got ourselves out of this predicament!?!?

Both Wayne and I have chunks of bark off our hands from digging and it took several hours for my blood-pressure to calm down again. Phew  -  never again will I navigate him towards sand.

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