Friday 6 March 2015

South West Rocks

Today we tripped down to South West Rocks, settled in and unhitched the rig so that we could then take a look around the area.  It seems that Friday afternoon brings extra folk into the area for the fishing, camping and all other events as the town has an alive atmosphere.  Took a drive out to Arakoon Conservation Reserve and took a look around the Trial Bay Gaol and interesting, the convicts from the ships that travelled between Brisbane and Sydney, were made to build the breakwater and cart the rocks up to build the gaol.  As it closed down, the local aboriginals used to camp inside the walls.  Plenty of historic stories told around the grounds.  Camping ground out there also right beside the breakwater and surrounds.  Followed down the road and had a look at Little Bay and Overflow Dam (no bigger than a pond really) then went to find the Smokey Cape Lighthouse.  Wow, what an interesting area.  The lighthouse is still working since the 1960's with power and before that on gas.  The cottages are Bed and Breakfast's and one can imagine what a peaceful time one could have there.  A walk down to the beach north of the lighthouse looks so steep.  Almost a kilometre down but then you have to walk back up.  Not for us today!  Back into town to do some shopping and get a fitment to attach my new washing machine off the shower.  Yippy, no more laundry coins have to be found.  Guess what I am doing tomorrow.  Wayne was happy back at camp as he could finally wash the truck and rig fully so spent hours doing that while I played some of his favourite music.  Hot August Night.

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