Saturday 28 March 2015

Somethings We Just Cannot Do Without

I have got the crochet bug so needed some more wool.  Looked up to see where the nearest Spotlight store was so off we drove.  Wayne didn't mind because there was a Bunnings at the same centre.  He also remembered he needed something from Super Cheap.  Low and behold these fold up bikes that we have been looking at ever since we have been on the road are on special at a very good price.  Had to purchase two there and then.  Very excited as we do need more exercise for our ageing bodies.  Ha ha.  Realised that we also need helmets so off we went to find a Kmart locally the very next morning before we took to the roads around Toowoon Bay.  Once we fitted the drinks bottle, pump and locking rope onto both bikes, off we peddled!  Stopped after a couple of kilometres to adjust the height of the seats as the knees were burning already.  Not good.  Never mind about the puffing and panting going on.  (By myself - not Wayne)!  We decided to head back to The Entrance Waterfront area then from there one could pedal all the way around the lakes edge back as far as Long Jetty then just another kilometres up to Toowoon Bay.  Plenty of activity of a Saturday afternoon for all the families with alsorts of entertainment happening, on and off the water and surrounding streets with plenty of restaurants and cafes.  Pedalling on around the foreshore was very pleasant seeing people fishing, picnicking and just having lots of fun gathering in their groups on a hot sunny day.  Almost back to the camping ground and Wayne gets a puncture so he has to walk the rest of the way while I pedal on and get a cold drink ready for him.   Back to Kmart to get a puncture repair kit and an extra tube (in case it is needed) before we pack up the bikes until we get to Bulli down on the South Coast tomorrow.

Sculptures in the Caravan Park at Toowoon Bay
Yes, the saying "Get Back On Your Bike"  or "Once You Ride A Bike You Never Forget How To Ride One" are SO true!

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