Wednesday, 7 September 2016


Called into Exmouth to pick-up my parcel from Tracey with relief that it can be done.

We then drove up Charles Knife Road on the eastern side of the Cape Range N.P. were we enjoyed spectacular scenic views looking out onto Exmouth Gulf.  It follows the razor-backed ridges of the range, providing breathtaking downward views into the stark, multi-coloured gorges.

Got oil from these ranges for 50 years!

There's oil in them there hills

Found this oil shaft at the end of a track, that had been sunk years ago but no oil was extracted.

Such a drop!  That track at the bottom of the gorge can be driven up from Shothole Canyon road.

I discovered several different wild flowers that I had not seen before.

Once back down the range we then stopped at the Krait and Potshot War Memorial and read the amazing fete of these men that travelled from the Exmouth Gulf up to Singapore.
Potshot was established by the US Navy as a submarine base before continuing to operate as a refueling facility for the Royal Australian Navy and Air Force personnel operating early warning radar and anti-aircraft guns in support of this base.

I just love these murals deplicting the stories.

I did say to the sea - Learmonth Jetty where we thought we would throw in a line to catch a fish or two.  Wrong, too many already there doing just that so headed back into town for a late lunch.

The guy with the net was catching bait fish to catch some of the larger species.  He reckons there are 47 different types of fish to be caught out here in the Exmouth Gulf.

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