Wednesday, 4 February 2015


Wednesday we travelled over to Texas and decided to relax down beside the Dumaresq river 1.5 kms south of the friendly township after strolling down the main street and getting provisions.  The first night I think there were about 20 campers staying down there, mostly on the township side with only three of us on the other side so we stayed another night enjoying the quiet surroundings. The Spirit Of Texas Statue in town is in memory of the 2011 floods.  The old tobacco stacks just outside of town deplict some of the history of the area.
Wayne and I had a laugh.  We knew we were on the border as when we used the phone down in the lounge area we were on Queensland time and if we went to the bedroom end of the rig, we were on New South Wales time.  So - you could say we were literally on the border!!

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