Saturday, 21 February 2015

Dodging The Showers

We did not want to stay in the cabin etc so we set off to look around the surrounding areas visiting Iluka waterfront, Woody Head, Bluff Beach and lookout.  Craig and family remembered visiting Woody Head once before and would like to come back with their friends.  Jayden and Madison loved dodging the waves washing over the rocks. 

Had a swim in the heated pool,  Jayden, Craig, Kylie and Madi decided to have a race one length of the pool.  Hilarious.   Went fishing across the road and Madi caught four small non keepers to Jayden's Nil!!!!  Could have been to his method!  Ha Ha.  Had plenty of fun after dinner playing cards  "Bullshit" in the cabin until the power went off.   Hope we wern't too loud for the other guests around.

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