Saturday 28 February 2015

From The Mountains To The Sea

Driving out through the Orana Valley and other National Parks to Nana Glen for devonshire morning tea was picturesque and as the sun was shining down.  The Idle In Cafe is a must to call into.  Plenty of bikie memoribilia and local jams, chutneys etc on sale as well as a great menu to choose from.  Back in the truck and continued through some pretty hills and valleys of Coramba and Karangi before back into Coffs Harbour before heading south to Sawtell.
We could not sit and look from the truck any longer so we walked the Lookout and Coastal walk.  North we looked right back up to Coffs Harbour, airport and beach ane south to all the southern beaches and communities.  Spectacular.  The Solitary Islands Marine park has dozens of islands offshore and there is a 60 kilometre of foreshore walks from Wooloolga to Sawtell.

Sawtell is a pretty seaside community with huge fig trees covering the entire main street on both sides to the buildings with an asortment of shops, cafes and hotels etc.

Friday 27 February 2015

Watch Your Step

We decided to take a walk after breakfast out to the wave-break.  Moonee Beach has a large sandbar at the entrance one has to walk out through and cross either of two small estuarys.  As we did not put on our bathers, we took the right one to take us around the rocks to where the surfers paddle out to catch the waves.   Almost around the point when I stood on rocks with oyster shells growing and managed to slice open underneath one of my toes.   Did not worry too much until Wayne asked why there was so much blood on all the rocks!!!  Uh oh.  Back to camp to clean and bandage the toe or put a "zip-tie" on (Waynes version).  Quiet day after that and the fisho van came through the camp so had a fresh fillet of scnapper which Wayne cooked over the webber in our new fish thingie we got as a present for christmas.  It worked just great as one can see from the photo!

Thursday 26 February 2015

Moonee Beach, Coffs Harbour area

Only a little drive Wednesday to arrive after the rains and had to choose the most accessible from heaps of very wet sites for our rig.!!!!  Just got on one before the truck bogged so made the best of it and realised we would have to wait for the ground to dry out before we move anywhere.

 Thursday we took a drive to Coffs Harbour Jetty to revisit and remember times when Wayne, Matt, Lee and Glenn bought "Saladan" up from Lake Macquarie and had to leave it for a week as bad weather followed them up the coast.  The seas are still a little wild out there so had some lunch and took a stroll along the northern breakwall.  Called past "The Big Banana" but decided it was more of a family attraction place so went to look at Saphire Beach and then Emerald Beach.  Still showers to stop us taking a stroll to the Emerald Headland lookout.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Exploring Red Rock

Today after organising where,when and how I can get my next mammogram we decided to take a drive out to Red Rock to have a look.
Great fishing along the shore of the Yurayga National Park where we took a walk along the shores.  So very peaceful and serene watching the small mullet jumping just beside the shoreline.  Another camping ground if we call back this way in the future.  Drove back to Corindi and showed Wayne the "Amble Inn" where we girls celebrated Anzac Day playing 2-up years ago.


Monday 23 February 2015

Corindi Beach

We left Iluka with rain still coming down in heavy showers and I was feeling rather sad thinking it will be some time before I enjoy a weekend like we have just spent with family.
We did not think we could get into the caravan park as the grounds here are very wet and the park managers thought we would bog on the site.  Looked around and decided on a corner right in the very back of the park away from the beachfront end that I stayed with Craig and friends Easter 2011.  We walked along the beach and found the foam from the recent storm weather all along the beach.  I was fascinated to see all the colours of the rainbow in the bubbles of the foam.  Had plenty of kangaroos grazing around our Dus Us as they seem to be residents of the Caravan Park.  How about this "Opera" fold-out camper trailer???

Sunday 22 February 2015

Precious Time Goes Too Quick

Slept in later today and missed the ferry that we thought we would catch over to Yamba and the Sunday markets.  Just as well we went in the car as the markets must have been cancelled due to the weather.  Did not deter us at all so after a scrummy brunch at a surf, yha hostel cum restaurant.  we went up to the light-house reserve overlooking the harbour entrance.  Watched the waves crashing over the rocks below.  The water has so much force coming in after the cyclonic weather.

Craig and Kylie remembered visiting Angourie Pools so we drove on down to look there.  Wow.  This place has history of being an old quarry and is now part of the local Aboriginal Park.  The local families were having a ball swimming in the pools.  Madison and Jayden had to have some fun so wow - now you see them,  now you don't.  Great fun.  Hard to get them out.

Saturday 21 February 2015

Dodging The Showers

We did not want to stay in the cabin etc so we set off to look around the surrounding areas visiting Iluka waterfront, Woody Head, Bluff Beach and lookout.  Craig and family remembered visiting Woody Head once before and would like to come back with their friends.  Jayden and Madison loved dodging the waves washing over the rocks. 

Had a swim in the heated pool,  Jayden, Craig, Kylie and Madi decided to have a race one length of the pool.  Hilarious.   Went fishing across the road and Madi caught four small non keepers to Jayden's Nil!!!!  Could have been to his method!  Ha Ha.  Had plenty of fun after dinner playing cards  "Bullshit" in the cabin until the power went off.   Hope we wern't too loud for the other guests around.

Friday 20 February 2015

Rainy Friday At Iluka - Cyclone Marcia Up North!

We woke early worried about Tracey up at Bundaberg with Cyclone Marcia coming down and about to hit the coast.  All was well but we sat and watched the news.  After lunch decided to go and drive to the Iluka seawall entrance to see how the seas were down here.  Also waiting with baited breath to hear what Craig and Kylie have decided.  Yippy, they are coming on down for the weekend.  Just as well I made their favourite, weetbix chocolate slice.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Out For a Drive Today Before The Rain

We decided to head on down to Brooms Head to have a look there and back to Yamba for lunch.  Brooms Head has the Caravan Park right along the beachfront so stopped for a coffee and muffin at the Shack before driving back to Yamba to look through the town there.  Larger than I expected and enjoyed another lunch at the fish co-op beside the waters edge.

Once back to the Iluka park we decided to go fishing down at the picnic point just along from the park.  Got plenty of bites, one small fish not enough for a taste so back into the water it went before home to watch the western sky change colours as the sun set behind the clouds.

Wednesday 18 February 2015


It seemed a mass exodus from the caravan park this morning but we took our time, called into New Italy and had our morning coffee before taking time to browse through the interesting history told there by the local Italian community.  Very informative and worth calling into on ones way north or south.  We had to laugh - some Asians came out to the car-park as we were leaving the rig and exclaimed how big it was.  Yes!  They had to have their photos taken beside it.

Driving into Iluka through the Bundjalung National Park is very picturesque, so after lunching down at The Boatshed Cafe watching dolphins swimming by as we lunched on an unusual soup of pumpkin, coconut milk and apple!  Very tasty and apparently made by a chef that has fed the queen and has a restaurant up in Cairns. Watched the ferry stop in and leave again.  Might have to take it over to Yamba in the next couple of days.  Drove on around Iluka to see what there is and drove on out to the Bluff Beach.  Wow!!  The waves where pounding in over the rocks with such ferociousness.  Walked up to the Bluff Lookout and watched two kites souring over the cliffs and sea.  On our homeward journey we drove along from the caravan park to see where we were told to fish at the picnic area.  Looks good.  Must tell Craig and family to pack their fishing lines.  Ospreys just outside the camping grounds.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Farewell Evans Head

After doing the weekly chores of bed linen and towels washing, we sat down to several hours of waiting for our visitor to get to us.  Yep, Owen or should I call him Easy Rider called on his way home to Val from Taree.  Great to catch up.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Museum Not to Be

After farewelling our mail deliver's, Matt and Karen, we had a lazy day until we remembered that the F111 museum was only open  Sat. and Sundays so got in the F truck and found our way to the airport!!  Disappointed, the museum was not open, so drove over to Shark Bay and watched the surfers riding the waves.  Love this painted antique caravan in the park we are staying.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Happy Valentines Day

My darling told me last evening he would cook breakfast for me to start the day.  I am so spoilt.
We decided to go for a walk along the beach and soak in the local atmosphere with folk fishing, plenty of dogs being taken for walks and excercise and just people walking the kilometres.  I love to look at the sea creatures etc. that have been washed up.  The beach was closed today. Maybe shark sightings!?

Got a phone call from Matt to say they were on their way down to deliver the mail so had an enjoyable evening at the local Bowls club over a chinese dinner.  They stayed the night on the foldout bed and after a local bakery breakfast we fare-welled them.  A very nice surprise we did not expect.