Tony finished his shift Wednesday morning and drove back to join us at his place and Terry and Sandra arrived the day after to catch up and help with the burn off of the large pile of fallen trees Tony had already pushed together with the backhoe.
I was the mower grounds person for the duration of our stay and managed to get the rocks picked up that constantly surface before I mowed. Oops!!!!! I broke the wheels so they had to be replaced.!!!!

As Tony already had the water from his bore on the trailer," he decided to make his garden bed beside the en-suite and put the water container above this on a flat area and trickle-feed the beds. After a little "oo-ah's", he finally got it off the trailer with slings and where he wanted to have it!!!!
I'm sure he loved having us there as I got lots of jobs to do and he even talked us into moving our heavy elevated - massage beds down to Tracey's as he did not want them damaged anymore than what had already happened to them. (Water damage from "Debbie")
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