Tuesday 29 August 2017


Yep, we hit the road early and drove for nine hours in Tony's ute with the beds on the back all the way down to Tracey's for the weekend with her.  On the drive down I noticed on facebook that "Breeze Cafe" were going to hold their monthly "High Tea" which I was disappointed on missing while we were staying with Tracey last month so yes, they had an available table for us.

We managed to clean up the beds and manoeuvre them into the back bedroom and find our bedlinen which was stored here at Tracey's. Oh, I forgot how comfortable they are.  Loved the massage again to drift off to sleep with.
Tracey was busy Saturday morning helping a friend sort household goods for a garage sale before they move to South Australia so we were not sure if we would make it over to the Burnett Heads Marina Seafood Festival.  She got home and decided we would still go and have a late lunch but before we could get around the food stalls she noticed the helicopters having scenic flights so we all booked for a flight later.

Wow, what a wonderful flight overlooking the coastline and surrounding farmlands.

Sunday morning Tracey and I went into town to look at furniture for her family room which she wants to refurbish.  Had a great look around several stores and she has chosen the furniture to do at a later date.  Home to Wayne and off to high tea.  Yummy, plenty to eat and would you believe, Wayne even had several fancy teas before restoring to his flat white coffee.  Lol.  Just got to love him.

Consequently we did not have any dinner that night.
A great time with Tracey but time to head back up to Midge Point and get more done at the acreage.

Tuesday 22 August 2017


Tony finished his shift Wednesday morning and drove back to join us at his place and Terry and Sandra arrived the day after to catch up and help with the burn off of the large pile of fallen trees Tony had already pushed together with the backhoe.

I was the mower grounds person for the duration of our stay and managed to get the rocks picked up that constantly surface before I mowed.  Oops!!!!!  I broke the wheels so they had to be replaced.!!!!


As Tony already had the water from his bore on the trailer," he decided to make his garden bed beside the en-suite and put the water container above this on a flat area and trickle-feed the beds.  After a little "oo-ah's", he finally got it off the trailer with slings and where he wanted to have it!!!!

 I'm sure he loved having us there as I got lots of jobs to do and he even talked us into moving our heavy elevated - massage beds down to Tracey's as he did not want them damaged anymore than what had already happened to them. (Water damage from "Debbie")

Monday 14 August 2017


This is what Tony opened his door to see his acreage!!

The en suite walls blown out front and back.

Both driveways completely blocked with fallen trees.
One cannot imagine what these residents who chose to stay on their properties went through during the days of this cyclone passing.  The noise of the wind and rain drowned out the noise of the trees crashing down, luckily none close enough to the dwellings they were sheltering in.

Talking to them five months after the event, one can note the effect it had on them.  While the grounds are now being cleaned up and burnt off, the mental aspect of all the extra burden may still take some time.

The main paddock burn-pile ready to burn once a permit is obtained and the winds are right.

New growth as the snapped top will be burnt soon.

Boundary line between the neighbours ready to burn.

Yes, the folk have done plenty of clearing with their heavy machinery but we still had to pick up rocks and smaller fallen branches.

Friday 11 August 2017


August 9th and 10th - Just a short journey over to the coast for a couple of days before we head up to Midge Point for the weekend.

Arriving here, we loved the ocean waves lapping the shoreline and looking out over the sand dune out to sea at the numerous islands offshore from here.

Seaforth Beach looking towards Haliday Bay
We drove over to Haliday Bay, Ball Bay and Cape Hillsborough where we saw for ourselves the destruction of Cyclone Debbie along this coastline.  Trees and shoreline eroded dramatically especially at Cape Hillsborough.  We strolled the beach and walked back to the truck under the canopy of the trees were some back-packers pointed out this kookaburra right above our heads.

Decided to stop for lunch at "The Old Station Tea House".  So glad we did.  What a delightful place this is.  The original Marian railway station was purchased and transported to this site and restored as this beautiful tea-house where they cater for lunches, special -occasions (weddings) and I must say the food was yummy.

Friday 11th August we stayed the night over at Kinchant Dam visiting Mick whom Wayne worked with while at BusIt Qld - Mackay some years back.  Great catchup out overlooking the dam and adorned to the bar for a bistro meal watching the sunset with the friendly locals around the fire pit.

Tuesday 8 August 2017


Yes, as an aboriginal ranger from the Northern Territory told us last year, when the yellow flowers appear, it is coming into dry season and travelling north today we viewed and smelt the flowering wattles along the roadsides.  The time for summer pj's now as the nights are not dropping to below double figures anymore and when we stopped the night at Flaggy Rock Community Park we found this place by word of mouth from last evening at "Fardooleys".  Great place with toilets, showers and a swimming pool (still too cold for me).  Away from the Bruce highway noise but alongside the railway track so we were warned to park on the hillside furthermost away from the track.  All good for one night with about thirty vans.

Still plenty of space between vans to spread ones self.
The next morning we headed into familiar roads heading into Sarina and Mackay.  Almost felt like coming home!!! The cane harvesting season is in full swing up here with the local mills and trains running from the farms to the mills delivering the cut sugar cane.

We have settled into this tranquil farm Jarravale for three nights just over the bridge at Marian where we can take a trip into the city and Marina of Mackay, drop in on the Tuesday Pleystowe tennis ladies and Don.  Great to see five of them still playing but very disappointed that Jill and Jackie were not playing at present.  Had to enjoy a coffee and catchup with Kristine whom we worked with at BusIt out at Coppabella three years ago and of course we lunched at The Duke Hotel Walkerston .

Strolled the Canelands Shopping Centre before coming out to the boardwalk here at the Marina on this beautiful day.
Tuesday, today Jossie has got three high school children to help on this Alpaca stud farm.  No wonder as she not only has the alpaca's, but pigs, goats, sheep, pony's, deer, chooks, guinea fowls and averies with alsorts of rosellas, garahas, parrots,cockatoos .

Yep, down the driveway, only a couple of sites for vans amongst the cane fields.

I was entertained this morning with this cockatoo that roams around the entrance here, found a cardboard box that he pecked until he had half of one side out.  Thought he was going to crawl in and have a sleep but no he just walked away.  Found him perched on top on his cage later in the day and so starts to play around.!!! Ha ha.

Take a look at these magnificent birds also here at admire.

I have just strolled through the farm and will have to make Alex a book to show her the animals here.  Stevie and Alex would just love to visit this place as well as Jayden and Madi.

Friday 4 August 2017


Oh yes, we are loving these bush camp/farm stays now we are self-sufficient.  High on the hill north of Rockhampton out in the bush and Robyn and Peter are so welcoming with twenty sites to offer with toilets, shower and yes of course a Happy Hour at Fardooleys Bar.
Waiting to let the other vans be parked before we are given our site.

On our way up to the bar to join the crowd up at Fardooleys Bar

Robyn even cooks finger food for all of us to enjoy and one of the guests bought his guitar and had a sing-a-long.

Thursday 3 August 2017


We have passed Calliope river North Rest Area and never stopped so decided we would this time for the night.  Not sure if there would be any spots left as this year we seem to be inundated with caravaner's on the Bruce Highway but luckily, most are Victorians heading south back towards home.

View from our position looking over to the South side.  Bridge now permanently closed so cannot get over there from north side.

Looking back to our Duz Us

View from our back window later in the day.  Almost wall to wall now.
Yes, I can see why it so popular as it is a relaxing place to stop.

Wednesday 2 August 2017


After leaving Tracey's, Wayne wanted to get a satellite receiver box at Gin Gin.  Adam at the shop told him about his boss's new farm-stay campground at Kolonga so we decided to have a nights stay there and enjoy the friendly Shervey hospitality at "Happy Hour".   Well, between Darryl and Rick - we are staying an extra night and getting solar panels fitted to the rig so we can be fully "self-contained". That is with an inverter as well.   OK - we have talked about doing this since we purchased it but after spending on our new lounge recliners and stools as well as what we spent at Talkalvans in Bundaberg I thought Wayne would be over his spending!! Lol.

Turtle Bar - converted container and campfire outside.  Work in progress - the bar timbers just put on the day we arrived.
While Darryl worked on our solar panels we took a stroll up the hill for a view then walked the perimeter down towards the highway and found the wild lemon tree so I could get some lemons.
Down by the creek a flying fox and swings have been erected for kids to play.  Will certainly be back here to stay when in this direction.

Solar N Sat. have the old hanger as a work shed here so consequently, heaps of business is done from here.  Very handy when one can stay while the work is being done.  Concretor's in to concrete the floor of the new shed for the storage of panels etc that are currently in three containers.