Sunday 11 December 2016


My surfer man at Wave Rock.
Yes another year of wedded bliss!!!  22 years.

We left Ravensthorpe and headed north to Wave Rock.  Called into Varley for a comfort stop and read the story of the historic rabbit proof fence.  The Town Rabbit Cemetery is the community's tribute to the rabbit plague of the 1920's that was a major pestilence to early farmers.

Wave Rock at midday or a little later today was 41.6 degrees and as the weather forecast was not good for tomorrow, we donned our fishing shirts, hat, sunnies and water and off we walked.  As a tour bus full of people were at Wave Rock we decided to walk to The Hippo's Yawn Loop first.  Luckily the main path follows the base of the rock under plenty of sheeoaks for shade and we were not disappointed at the hippo's yawn.

After a couple of drink/rest stops, we made it back to Wave Rock.  Wow - so glad we decided to come back this way so this natural formation is a sight to behold.  After that exercise there was only one thing to do - dive into the beautiful cool water of the caravan park's swimming pool.  Just what we needed to cool off.

The surface was quite slippery so Wayne got up higher than I could.  Loved the colours of the rock.
Drove into Hyden for a celebratory anniversary dinner - had to cook our own steaks at the hotel with a selection of salads or hot vegetables.  Lovely way to finish an amazing day.

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