Another blow-out - same left hand side of rig but front tyre! What The !?!?!? Changed it off down the water table on a bit of a bend. Thank goodness this road wasn't very busy. Got to the Boondooma Homestead and Museum and setup for the night before taking a look through all the interesting buildings. The whole village is as the original set out since 1846 and would you believe that Buddy Thomson, an 80 year old, is a descendant of one of the families that farmed this many years ago. When his father died, Mum moved to Toowoomba in 1978 and was told she could take the roses from the extensive gardens which she did. When Buddy moved back to live up the road from the Homestead she asked him to take the roses back to the homestead. So you now see not cuttings but the original rose bushes over 100 years old.
Also plenty of grapes which port is made, about 200 bottles, Robert the caretaker tells us.
What a coincidence - he came from Alexandra Hills with his wife to "Do The Big Trip Around", and only got this far.
The South Burnett Shire Council now own the 40 acres and a t least twice a year, one for Anzac and another in August for "Scots" week rallies are held here with up to 600 caravaner's.
The Post Office
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