Saturday 4 April 2015

Minnamurra Falls and Kiama

After taking a look at Gerringong Gerroa and Shoalhaven Heads on a very dreary wet day yesterday we headed back up to Kiama surrounds and up into the Minnamurra Falls in the Budderoo National Park, which was a great "workout" climbing up some parts rather steep terrain to reach the falls.  Very populated on Easter Saturday so was very excited and surprised to find this lyrebird right beside the track.  Wayne had spotted several others lower down towards the road but I could not get a photo of them.  When we came back down to find this one, it just "Made Our Day".

  Exhausted and very pleased with ourselves, we then took a look at the township of Kiama on the coast.  Kiama, meaning "where the sea makes a noise".

Once again it was densely populated today but it still had a peaceful vibe around the place.  Up at the lighthouse we managed to get a position above the "Blow Hole" to view the sea pound through the rocks when the seas are running from the south-east.

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