As we pack up and leave Berry, I wanted to put into words what attracted us here.
Gourmet chicken, mushroom, cauli and leek pie
Train toots when a commuter train leaves the station only 100 metres away
Only 500 or so metres from the main street and centre of town
Rugby league at Mulberry Park where we are staying
Sight of Camellia bushes as hedges in beautiful gardens
Quaint shops to look and ponder through
Chicken pies
Flocks of noisy Corella's flying overhead
Pumpkin soup made from pumpkins grown just behind our rig
Autumn leaves crunching underfoot as we walk around town
Chocolate Honeycomb from "The Treat Factory"
Train whistles from the heavy goods trains passing through
Plenty of happy travellers camping around us from all walks of life
The distant sound of earth moving machines working to build the Princess Highway Bypass
Wild sunflowers growing in the stock yards
This is certainly a place to recommend to come and visit or stop and enjoy as you pass through this town.