Thursday, 30 April 2015

The Last Remaining NSW Timber Wharf

We hitched up again and headed on down the coast via Bermagui and stopped at Tathra to explore.  Left our home parked beachside and decided to walk up and take a look at the wharf.  Whew - needed the workout up the cliff track and down to the historic sea wharf.  Built in 1862 to provide cargo and passengers as the main means of transport from the Bega Valley areas to Sydney.  1954 saw the last cargo ship (SS Cabargo) use the wharf.

Tathra Wharf Today
The wharf is only used for recreation fishing and has a cafe on lower level.

Needed some sustenance before the walk back to the beach so stopped at the historical hotel for a bistro meal.  Yum.   Red wine, steak, bacon and mushroom pie and salt and peppered calamari before heading into Bega to park beside the river for the night.  Driving in was delightful - confetti of yellow willow leaves falling from the tree-lined street.  Just beautiful.  How I love autumn. Crisp days and colourful leaves.  Glad I don't have to clean the leaves up!!

Great view from the deck overlooking the ocean and watching a yacht make its way up the coast.

Bega park for the night.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Enjoy The Sunshine

Yes, we woke to another beautiful day so sat in the sunshine and watched another mobile home being delivered or should I say half of one.

After lunch we took to our bikes and peddled up to Dalmeny and stopped at Kianga for a coffee where we sat with a delightful couple who had just moved to this area.  Beautiful part of NSW.  We watched the sun go down with neighbours at the caravan park who had stopped in for one night before heading down south for bowls tournaments.  A great day and off to Bega tomorrow. Will sleep well after that ten kilometre ride!!

Monday, 27 April 2015

Oh What a Beautiful CRISP Morning!!

Ye ha!  Woke to a crisp 7 degrees C.    Brrrrrrrrr.............  Got all the bedding washed and bed changed and just about to set off the get a couple of photos around the area but Wayne calls, he is on his way back from the days fishing already!!!  Got their quota very quickly so back to shore to fillet and clean the king fish.   Wow, were the boys pumped for having such a great opportunity to catch king fish so easily out off Montague Island.
They all came back to the campground and BBQ'd a fillet of king fish for lunch.  Joined them and yummy.  Nothing like fresh fish on bread, pepper and salt.  Left the boys to get off to the pub and have some more drinks and I hopped on my bike and pedalled back over the bridge and out to the north bar beach then back on around to Forsters Bay before getting back to camp.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Anzac Day - Lest We Forget

Thank you Lee for posting this perfect view at Tuross Heads Dawn Ceremony.

I cracked up looking at Wayne's dome shinning from the dawn light.  Nothing as breathtaking here at Narooma but equally as emotional and meaningful for all who attended everywhere throughout the country.  Matthew tells me the horse and rider in this photo were spooked by a flash from a photographer and reared up and back over the 3 metre cliff.  Thankfully both horse and rider were all OK. 
Joined all the Anzac crew for the Narooma March at 10-45am.

My boys!!!!

These 3 gentlemen are the remaining local WWII veterans. 

I was going to go and join Wayne for an hour later this afternoon for a little 2 UP but black clouds gathered from the west and unleashed strong gusty winds, thunder, lightening and buckets of rain for the rest of the afternoon and all through the night.  I hunkered down in the van until all was clear.  Got the knitting needles clacking instead and a pot of stew cooking for dinner.

Friday, 24 April 2015


Finally got our bikes out again and went for a ride around the foreshore to the south breakwater.  Found New Zealand Fur Seals resting on the rocks.  Most unusual to see them over here.  Up at the lookout over the coastline, we listened to a gentleman pilot a fishing boat out through the bay safely.  Once back to the camping ground we decided to take a further look around Narooma by truck so discovered a bike track all the way up the coast as far as Kianga and Dalmeny which we might take a ride on later in the week once Wayne spends time with the Anzac Boys for the next four days.        

Red sky at night!!  Hopefully a nice morning for Dawn Parade

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Mogo Fascinates Us

Still wet and windy we decided to venture out back up to Mogo to have a wander through the village with our umbrellas in hand.  Wayne could not sit and wait as the bench was too wet!!  Ha ha.  What a fascinating place.  It has been revived by local artists, jewellers, handicraft folk and the old gold history of the area.

Look at the work in this piece of sculpture.  Theother side did not show up so well because of the light!!

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Gale force winds today

Fascinated how these cicads abound in the bush at Broulee
Still wet and very windy today we went up to Tomakin for lunch at the sports club.  Only $6 for a roast meal or choice of 3 options.  Very popular place at such a good price.
Batemans Bay and surrounding bays are appealing but we did not see it at it's best I imagine.
From Melville Point looking down towards Broulee Island Native Reserve with huge seas today.  One brave person decided it was a great day for wind surfing!!!

Monday, 20 April 2015

Did You Know??

Did you know where the rock for the Sydney Harbour Bridge came from.   Right here at Moruya by the river.  Wayne had read about it so when he noticed the small sign beside the river we stopped and had a look.  Granite rocks still abound around here and the local dole folk in the 1990,s  constructed pathways, an historic building that tells the story back in the time and picnic and BBQ for the area.

Travelled down as far as Tuross Heads and found Lake Coila was only closed by a slither of sand to the open sea as most of the inlets are down this coast line.  We stopped at the park and took at look at the cenotaph looking over the sea.  What a very restful spot.  Found a commemorative lone pine tree planted on the site.

We went back to the township of Moruya for lunch and I loved all the wooden sculptures deplicting different times and memories of the district lining the main street.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

How I Love The Autumn Colours

I took this on our travels yesterday and just had to share it with you.  I marvel at the beautiful autumn colours.

Wet, Wet, Wet!

Camping without power for four days here at Moruya North Camping Ground nestled up against the sand dunes listening to the Red Wattlebird, Yellowtailed Black Cockatoo and Laughing Kookaburras is entertaining as we watch the planes flying in rain or fine even though Sydney Domestic is closed at times!!

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Tripping Down To Pretty Beach

After a day of hibernation due to cold and rainy weather yesterday we hit the road south to explore more towns, bays and beaches.
Wayne read a book on his laptop and I finished my first effort of a throw.

I loved making this so have already got the wool for the next one!

Pretty Beach looking south.  Wanted to see this place as the booklet advertises the kangaroos on the beach.
Lovely coastline from Bawley Point to Pretty Beach
Yes we saw plenty of kangaroos down and around the entrance to the beach access

This is at Kings Point on Lake Burrill coming back up to Ulladullah.  Just another pretty spot.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Lake Conjola and Walk Along the Coomee Nulunga Walking Track

Lake Conjola is a deep coastal lake which is continually flushed by the sea.
The caravan park here is full of holiday families along with the local kangaroos.
Picturesque boardwalk through coastal bushland to the ocean beach.

How about a condo like one of these on the shores of Lake Conjola?  Fishing at your back door.

Lunch here to wet the appetite before our afternoon walk!! Yummy Seafood Chowder and Traditional Fish and Chips
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Our walk started from the Warden Head Lighthouse and along the tracks either side of the headland.  Men fishing down off the rocks and pleanty of bird life in the coastal bushes.  Wish I could get some decent shots of some!!
Who can tell me what this is?  Glenda?

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

The South Coast to Ulladulla

Wednesday we travelled a little further south to Ulladulla where it is getting colder so the winter wooles are being found to wear.  (I know what I will be doing when Wayne is with the boys - packing away the summer clothes).  We took a drive back north to Mollymook and surrounds then the manager of the caravan park told us of the private beach on the grounds so went for a walk to explore.  Lovely beach if it wasn't for all the smelly seaweed washed ashore at the moment!!!!

Lobster Jack Beach stairs down

View of Ulladulla harbour from the coast walk within the caravan park

Berry Nice Berry

As we pack up and leave Berry, I wanted to put into words what attracted us here.

Gourmet chicken, mushroom, cauli and leek pie
Train toots when a commuter train leaves the station only 100 metres away
Only 500 or so metres from the main street and centre of town
Rugby league at Mulberry Park where we are staying
Sight of Camellia bushes as hedges in beautiful gardens
Quaint shops to look and ponder through
Chicken pies
Flocks of noisy Corella's flying overhead
Pumpkin soup made from pumpkins grown just behind our rig
Autumn leaves crunching underfoot as we walk around town
Chocolate Honeycomb from "The Treat Factory"
Train whistles from the heavy goods trains passing through
Plenty of happy travellers camping around us from all walks of life
The distant sound of earth moving machines working to build the Princess Highway Bypass
Wild sunflowers growing in the stock yards

This is certainly a place to recommend to come and visit or stop and enjoy as you pass through this town.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Finally some Sunshine!

At last we have a break in the rainy days.   Since we visited the Minnemurra Falls we have been waiting for a sunny day to go back up to walk the Illawarra Fly Treetop Adventure.  We marvelled at the stunning scenic views from the elevated boardwalk 25 metres above the ground.  Wayne walked up the 106 stairs to the top tower to get better photos looking out towards the coastline looking up to Shellharbour, Lake Illawarra and the Jamberoo Valley.

Wayne tells me the tower was swaying in the breeze!!
The cantilever's were 14 metres out from the main walkway and both were swaying aplenty for little old me.

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Moving back down the ranges was equally as hairy as tripping up them with plenty of traffic (holidays).  We move on down the Princess Highway to Ulladulla Wednesday to see more of this beautiful country.