Yes, here we are at Tin Can Bay where we have put the newly purchased Striker rubber duckie and outboard. Chose a sunny day without any wind to try our hand at catching a crab in the pot or fish. I caught a bream and no crab for our supper!!
This place is so much a "fisherman's paradise" as it sits behind Rainbow Beach and Fraser Island. We called into the seafood outlet and got ourselves a feed of fresh prawns one day.
Fits in it's own bag and sits behind the hitch while we travel and the outboard motor inside the white storage. |
We decided we had fed the dolphins over in WA at Monkey Mia so did not get up at some ungodly hour of 7am to do this here. Will leave it to the children that are on school holidays at the moment. |
We had to travel around to Rainbow Beach for the day so strolled the shops to see a whole corner block of shops has closed down, others are being refurbished, even the fish and chip shop at the end where we had shared a couple of meals while up here with Pat, Glenn and their neighbours (cannot remember their names). Must be getting old!!!???
Lunched overlooking this beautiful beach at the surf club and remembered family times further up the beach and crossing through other roads while camping. Oh what great times we have had over the years up here. |
We then drove on up to Inskip Point, parked the car and took a stroll through the trees to the ocean side beach where heaps of folk camped, swam and fished before watching the holiday makers make their way down Fraser Island beach to catch the Manta Ray Ferry back to the mainland.
Walking on around the point to the inlet side we took the path through the bush where we stopped and admired these wildlife that habitate this area.
The whole area has allowed Wayne and I to walk or ride our bikes around Tin Can Bay where the pathways along the foreshore abounds with birds in the trees. Great to hear the kookaburra's at different times of the day. Monday we make our way to Maryborough to our favourite Cheery Nomad RV Park & Farmstay and travel up to Hervey Bay from there for Jayden and Madison's Touch Tournament Thursday thru to Saturday. Catchup with family and friends again.