Perth weather is hot, dry heat without that humidity one experiences over in the eastern states and that wind "Fremantle Doctor" every day off the Indian Ocean. Our friends we met down at Augusta assure us the wind stops around April?!?!
6th January we caught the train to the Perth Arena and had a momentous day/night watching the Hopman Cup. Naturally the highlight was to see Rodger Federer playing at night but each match was equally enjoyable to watch.
Drive up to the Northern Beaches. After spending a couple of hours finding F Truck WA company where Wayne wanted to get a couple of hoses for spares for the truck we carried on up the Mitchell Freeway up as far as Burns Beach for a late lunch beside the beach and took a stroll along the headland pathway to a beautiful lookout and enormous park with all the facilities for families before driving south along the Ocean Drive. Very picturesque seeing all the beaches, coves, marinas and all the activity of holiday makers and residents coming and going about their day.
Lunch at Burns Beach Cafe. Cold coffee so had to send it back for another cup! |
Great facilities for families to picnic and play overlooking the beach and ocean |
Had to stop here at Cottesloe Beach and stroll in the sand even though it was windy. |
Kite surfers abound. A great way to finish a day after work. |
Yes, the clear blue waters and sandy white beaches makes the Sunset Coast irresistible gathering points during the summer months.
FREMANTLE is another hive of activity for all. Plenty to see and do along the cafe strips, waterfront cafes selling locally caught fresh fish, Fremantle Prison, Maritime Museum and heaps of other historical places to visit. Both Wayne and I loved strolling the streets to soak up the atmosphere of the town.
Woodman Point looking back south towards Kwinana Beach and Rockingham |
A very pleasant drive from Waikiki to Fremantle and exploring the beaches and marinas along the way.
ROTTNEST ISLAND was a must do on our list while we are here in Perth. Catching the ferry from Fremantle for the day and disembarking onto the jetty along with thousands of other holiday makers and thousands of bikes that one can hire to ride around the island. Too hot for these two oldies today so opted to get the shuttle bus around to see the beauty of this historic island.
This ferry is three levels and look at all the bikes for only this one trip. Imagine all the bikes over there when each ferry unloads this amount each trip.?????? |
Strolled around the village of Rottnest and had lunch before heading out of town to see the Bathhurst Lighthouse which is the second lighthouse built on the island as too many ships got wrecked on the surrounding rocks on this side of the island.
More white beaches looking towards Gerodie Bay |
YES, YES - we asked at the Information Centre as we left the jetty where we could spot a quokka. The lady enlightened us that just around the corner, up the first set of stairs there where two of these little fellows sleeping as she came down half an hour ago. Sure enough they were still there and we were not disappointed for the rest of the day as we spotted plenty of them throughout the island
One came out to see me but the other was just too sleepy! |
Hopping on board the shuttle bus we encountered the multitude of bike riders that shared the road around the island with the buses!!!! It is a 26 kilometre ride and it was evident that some did not realise how hard a ride they were taking on as some just left their hired bikes and hopped on a bus to take them back to the settlement. The ferry staff then had to travel out an retrieve the bikes?
The beaches which surround this island are magnificent and plenty of large boats with families etc. motor out to here for the holidays and snorkel, fish and just totally enjoy the lifestyle Rottnest Island offers.
Just look how crowded that beach is with people and bikes! |
Cape Vlamingh looking down to the NZ fur seals and boaties enjoying a snorkel for a WA lobster perhaps? (Lucky buggers) |
The fur seals hold a flipper with their back tail and float around. |
Once getting back onto the bus we decided we needed a swim so alighted at Geordie Bay and cooled off there for an hour or more.
Once back to the settlement we had to have a stop at Dome for a coffee and spearmint thick shake before strolling along the waterfront to enjoy the last sights of the local bird life and watch heaps of quokka's coming out to feed.
Three ferries ready to load all today's visitors back to the mainland. We were on the red one at the end of the jetty which was at full seating capacity. |
So many boats all around the island. If you look, you can just see the mainland in the back-ground.
Saturday we ventured on the $5 all day pass for trains, ferry or buses throughout the greater Perth areas. When reading the information booklet I saw that we could get off the train at Elizabeth Quay and catch a "green bus" to Kings Park. No - that only operates Monday to Friday so told to catch a 102?! We hop on and ask the driver where we get off as we knew we were not going to the front entrance. Well after a ten minute ride around the waterfront, the bus stops and the driver tells us to alight here and go up that Avenue there. Uh Oh. We are at the very opposite end of Kings Park and so we climb this hill and enter the park - 400 hectares of land it reads and a five klm walk in the heat of Australia Day back towards the hub of the park. The botanic gardens are laid out so naturally and all are listed along the plentiful walkways.
This is where we got off the bus from the city?! |
The original Swan Brewery buildings on the river |
Man it was HOT walking through the bush without so much as water!!!!! |
These steel inlaid panels at the start of the Lottery Walk Bridge |
So many new gardens have been added to Kings Garden now. A great focal point for Perth. |
This boab tree was trucked down in six days from Wyndham |
Love these steel structures inviting one to wander down these pathways |
I guess this is the most photographed Memorial in Perth but I still marvel at the beauty of it overlooking the city centre. |
After taking in some fluids we hopped onto a bus that took us over to the Burswood Casino for a look around for old-times sake as we were over here in 2002 for a LJ Hooker Convention held at Burswood. Had lunch, a stroll through the casino and the surrounding lounges before getting the shuttle bus over to the railway station to get back to Perth central station where we caught the Mandurah train home. Whew, a BIG day for us oldies.
Chinese New Year this weekend. |
Here are a collection of shots at sunset as the wet weather is heading down the coastline towards us on Saturday night.
Sun setting over the lake and school opposite. |
It was already raining at the Wacca at the final BBL north of this. |
Looking eastwards at the storm clouds gathering. |
Love to see the reflections of the eastern sunset |
What a great area to live in. So many beaches to play, swim and relax. We haven't been that often as we had a LOT of tennis (Hopman Cup then Brisbane then Australian Open) to watch on TV but enjoyed watching the kite surfers down at Safety Beach/Waikiki inlet as we ate our fish and chips.
Quite often Wayne and I would stroll along the foreshore of Rockingham as there was always something happening here. New Years Eve and Australia Day Celebrations very big for families for attend and enjoy.
Wayne and I are so very thankful for Sonya, Steve and the girls for allowing us to stay here with them after needing to get the truck attended to here in Perth. Better we have it fixed by the experts than having a mishap on the road along the way.
Another highlight of staying for a while in one place is to catch-up with friends that we have caught up with us here. Sue and Ken from Birkdale who spent a couple of days in Perth before boarding the Indian Pacific back to Sydney.
Sue giving the reindeer a cuddle outside a shop at Mandurah. |
Meeting for a coffee and chat before having a beautiful dinner with Petra and Graeme in their home at Safety Bay. Plenty of fun and laughter and hope we catch them over in Queensland at a later date.
And lastly but by no least, meeting George again while he is down here in Perth getting his boat fixed. Karen and George, you will definitely be seeing us again when you come over to Queensland. Love you guys.
Well - Wayne and I had set our leave date to Sunday 22nd of January but, the F Truck of ours needed serious time at the "doctors" so we had to wait until the busy place had time to fix it. We finally left on Friday 3rd February!!!! Thanks to the wonderful hospitality of Sonya, Steve and the girls we were able to stay parked on their front lawn after they returned from their USA holiday. Loved strolling around the lake nearby their home when it wasn't too hot to get out later in the afternoons.
Keamarie's first day back to school and Tenai is off the book into University |
Farewell at last for us to this beautiful family. They can finally get their front lawn back to themselves. |